# outing 1: with stephanie (now in us), sherlin (my soon to be imu junior) and nicholas(missing in the picture) for Amazing Grace. Awesome movie, inspiration.
# outing 2: cathing up with bumblebee daniel, Hancock. he hasnt changed much (haha i know he won't read my blog, so i can safely put uo this pic...he's seen it anyway ;p)
# outing 3: meeting up with rachel aka CHALANGER for the Dark Knight. "told u its not Umum la, Batman never is..." (Eng R. , 2008)
Went back to Subang Taylors, and met up with my old good fren, Chee Kin. No movie ;p study hard kk? One day u'll be flying aroud the world... (and I mean it literally)
Random photo, one of the dinners I cook for my family while mum's bz and not at home...
A mini encouragement card I received from Sarah in Australia... thanks siz, for always having me in your mind.
...which came with a lovely card. really love it, I really am blessed =)
And MUET results, expecting a band 5 but turned out band 6, highest band...God, YOU rock. impossible is nothing for You.
Group 5's artwork depicting ourselves during Young leadership camp. mine is the butterfly emerging from the cocoon... (pictures redrawn by Siva ramraj, our very own talented artist cum vice prez of pharmacy, SRC IMU)
A photo from the young leadership camp. Aparently some of the girls wanted to take a photo with this "lengchai" (in brown shirt) . By the way, the guy in blue shirt, Alvin, is the president of the MMA (malaysian medical association of MEDICAL STUDENTs)
This picture arrr....reminds me of the special someone whom I sayang banyak banyak. =) cute right?
Where little bits of life are stored, remembered, sealed in words forever :)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
100th post
Friday, July 25, 2008
Husband Night Out Permission Slip
Was in the school computer lab printing out stuff. as usual, i noticed the desktop, and this time, saw an interesting file, entitled : Husband Night Out Permission Slip
Original format is pdf, and cant be uploaded. hence the good old notepad.
Name of Boyfriend/Fiancé/Husband:
I request permission for a leave of absence from the highest authority in my life for the following period:
Time of return
Date: Time of departure: NOT to exceed:
Should permission be granted, I do solemnly swear to only visit the locations stated below, at the stated times. I agree to refrain from hitting on or flirting with other women. I shall not even speak to another female, except as expressly permitted in writing below. I will not turn off my mobile after two pints, nor shall I consume above the allowed volume of alcohol without first phoning for a taxi AND calling you for a verbal waiver of said alcohol allowance. I understand that even if permission is granted to go out, my girlfriend/fiancé/wife retains the right to be pissed off with me the following week for no valid reason whatsoever.
Amount of alcohol allowed (units) Beer Wine Liquor Total
Locations to be visited
Females with whom conversation
is permitted
IMPORTANT – STRIPPER CLAUSE: Not withstanding the female contact permitted above, I promise to refrain from coming within one hundred (100) feet of a stripper or exotic dancer. Violation of this Stripper Clause shall be grounds for immediate termination of the relationship.
I acknowledge my position in life. I know who wears the trousers in our relationship, and I agree it’s not me. I promise to abide by your rules & regulations. I understand that this is going to cost me a fortune in chocolates & flowers. You reserve the right to obtain and use my credit cards whenever you wish to do so. I hereby promise to take you on an unlimited shopping spree, should I not return home by the approved time. On my way home, I will not pick a fight with any stranger, nor shall I conduct in depth discussions with the said entity. Upon my return home, I promise not to urinate anywhere other than in the toilet. In addition, I will refrain from waking you up, breathing my vile breath in your face, and attempting to breed like a (drunken) rabbit.
I declare that to the best of my knowledge (of which I have none compared to my BETTER half), the above information is correct.
Signed - Boyfriend/Fiancé/Husband:
This decision is not negotiable. If approved, cut permission slip below and carry at all times.
Permission for my boyfriend/fiancé/husband to be away for the following period of time:
Date: Time of departure: Time of return:
Signed – Girlfriend/Fiancé/Wife:
Location: From: To:
Location: From: To:
Location: From: To:
a few thoughts:
1. WHO is so free to type out all this? but then again, angry / overzealous women can do anything. and I mean ANYTHING.
2. My gosh, so detailed, wanna find loophole also susah lah. Haha. But honestly, do guys REALLY need it?
YOU decide.
Ps: And owh, by the way Nicholas baby, no worries I wont get you to use it , just in case you are alarmed. I trust you with my life, with my heart, trust you more than enough. Love ya hugz ;D
Wife Night Out Permission Slip
Wife Night Out Permission Slip
Name of Girlfriend/Fiancé/Partner/Wife:
I’m going out.
Signed: (me) _____________________________
....( loss for words...although its true that it happens like this)
Monday, July 21, 2008
our timetables are much more packed this time. 2 pbl's per week for 10 weeks, 8 lab sessions in whole, 86 lectures, 5 csu's, cpr professional course, and all the other long list of unmentioned. Classes in the afternoon, 1.30- 3.35 pm. right. pbl's 4-5.30 pm. ok....
not sure if I'm really really prepared for the semester. but as it is, I need to getting prepared, and fast. this sem has only 12 short weeks, followed promptly by summative at the end of week 12, and Eos big bang. And I don't intend to sit the exams twice.
I've still got COP report, havnt done. deadline fri morn = thurs night. I dont wanna procrastinate more this semester. cant afford to.
funny tho that I wasnt overwhelmed by today's briefing. I guess the point is not being overwhelmed, its taking everything in stride. Using each moment to the max. Living the dream.
I think I posted the following before, but I still think its relevant ;p wonder what us medical students will become one day ;p
anyone can imagine what I'll be one day? ;p
I miss you...just want you to know that I love you, and owiz wil. Yrs, now and foreva. Hugz, Jo
Sunday, July 20, 2008
For my Special One...
The times we did the "conventional", cooking and baking...
The times we spent hand in hand, skating , walking, dancing... and stepping on each other's toes...
The apple pies and ice creams and fried chicken and cupcakes and pineapple tarts...
The games we played on msn, and Alice Greenfingers...
The times we spent at movies, with nature, with each other's families, and most importantly, with each other...
I know those are just some of the many things we did during the holidays, and I know that you, just as much as me, enjoyed and appreciate those moments... and wished that we had more time with each other... Those were the precious sweet memories that we shared, the images that will bring a smile, laughter, and even tears...
And I know we will have much more of these moments to come. I know you and I ,we're looking forward to it. And until then, we'll hang on to the memories, we'll live each moment to the fullest, we'll climb higher knowing we have each other, and the One who loves us and gave His all...
I know this is not the easiest time for you and me, but I want you to know we can do it. We survived before, we will again.
And baby, I just wanna let you know that I'm yours, now and forevermore...baby I love you.
Looooonnnnngggggggg hugz
Thursday, July 10, 2008
car got fb
how u use fb in the car?
who says im in d car?
i mean CARynn got fb
really...the things that we say can so easily be misintepreted by others...
Friday, July 4, 2008
And I realised something that has always made me a lil more moody,impatience each time it happens... WAITING.
And yes, it happened so many times. G7 last year... how many times we stood sunbathing, waiting for someone to make a decision on where to eat...and finally ending up at the same old place each day! aww man and I did tell them we would end up there...
Then there are malaysian wedding/wedding receptions. SO TYPICAL!
"Dinner to be served at 7.30pm SHARP"
...and in walks the bride and groom at 8.10pm( ok nevermind, 7.45pm) while 40% of the people sit waiting and the 20% are finding parking and the remaining 40% still on the way/ at home "preparing".
and yet, people drive on the road as if they are rushing somewhere, time is not on their side. wait a minute...that makes sense.
person procrastinates/ delays -> rushes on the road, less regard to safety -> accidents
is it a wonder why malaysian accident rates are so high? *shakes head in disgust
first world facilities, third world mentalities.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Just saying....
The time tested saying, hard pressed but not crushed... (hope i got it right)