And another day...
Sooky's post makes me oh-so-emo. Its the stuff I used to think bout. And still do.
And every living moment just reminds me of that even more. Having to take my convo mag profile photo (I miss the old chinadoll-fairskin joanne. dang u oh-mighty-sun :( )
I dislike transitions/ changes that involves leaving. Leaving of the people close to me, and leaving the people I love :'(
I will not go on. Why put so much emphasis of something thats gonna come anyway? I shall savour every moment now. And try my best not to go emo.
On another note, "broke" into my new running shoes again. Ran 3 rounds nonstop, walked 1 round then another 3 nonstop. Not sure whats the distance tho, BK3 park the jogging track has no distance written to it. Somehow tho it seems as if I din't run - din't perspire like crazy (shirt was nearly dry), no muscle cramp/aches, dont feel more tired than I usually am.
...I must have ran in my dream.
Where little bits of life are stored, remembered, sealed in words forever :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I need a new pair of running shoes, now that my current pair gave way.
"Great" timing I would say, (3rd run only!!) but it was bought back in 2004. So it has been pretty long...
And I finally found something just as stress relieving as playing the black and white keys. Albeit one that gives you muscle cramps later :P All part and parcel of running...
2k nonstop yesterday! Geez, this "record" is gonna be hard to maintain...on the road somemore?! :O
haha. but the pressing question is...
...How to get shoes by next Tuesday?! I wanna go run again! :O
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Super Viva + Charity Home Visit
Super Viva + Charity Home Visit
Saturday marked the final event for orientation MEDTCH110 - Charity home visit. And as usual, the whole gang (well, minus a few) of the sexy Co13ra's attended.
But :O haha. Super viva was conducted in the morning...and they! haha. it was a long 1hr (I think) thing. Where the questions ranged from food I dislike to why I run and if I'm an organ donor etc etc etc.
At first I thought I got off pretty easy. Sure, there were some "tough" ones, but really, not as tough or emotional as I expected. There were many areas the questions din't explore. But then again, 1 hr cant do too much questioning no? :P Also because it was Saturday... most were in a chillax mood, some wasted, some just bored, some just shy :P and the location -lt2 doesnt seem like the most conducive place, lost of distractions.
But then as I reflected at night, I realized that what they have asked were actually a lot of "intelligent" questions. Things that I would wanna change, how I wanna be remembered after I die etc... And that my history, the parts of me which I protected so fiercely (with much that din't surface during the viva) din't matter. What actually matters is who I am now, and what I will be / am going to do / how I treat the people around me. Sure, if you ask me the right questions I would share with you...but you can do that on a one to one basis, any day ;)
And the minute things asked like my favourite food/ food I dislike and my favourite colour reminded me - that in life we have to always view both the big picture but never forget the small details. Its the balance that we try to achieve in life that keeps us "balanced", not forgetting either the huge picture of the small things.
Ok, some pictures from the day.
Magic fingers.
Don't know why, after the goodie bags were packed Alex was sitting at the grand piano. We just started playing songs like "tong hua" and progressed to bella's lulluby and many other songs like 21 guns. My piano skills super rusty. And hahaha 4 hands together playing a piano. I wish I were that good :P
Then we boarded the bus. This is lovely Fida, who is my comrade of the dark side :P She better study or else she will get kicked to the bright light! :D
And majority of the pictures you see in this post are courtesy of Crystal and her super geng camera. Tal is someone whom is both beautiful on the inside and out. Perhaps her inner beauty radiated outwards and further enhanced her naturally already beautiful self ;)
We reached our destination soon after. On the bus playing random games (some said its actually a drinking game haha). Loved the company, it was a fun journey. The home we went to was called KL KRASH PAD located in the heart of the city centre. This picture was taken on the reception area of the ground floor. You can see the immense talent the teenagers there have.
We we assigned 1 or 2 to a kid, and got to know each other. (Picture of my "kid" coming up). My original impression was that the kids were super shy (well some of them). But if you open up yr heart to them, they will respond with the same enthusiasm, perhaps even more.
And these kids actually were genuinely happy to have people come to visit them and play with them. They were actually very VERY enthusiastic, hyperactive with A LOT of energy. It was really fun and memorable spending that short 2-3 hours with them. It was also their levels of energy that drove us on...if we had a 1 or 2 more hours with them it would have been great.
Needless to say, I was super proud of each and every one of the Co13ra's for their participation and effort. Super duper proud since day 1 ! :)
More bout my "kid". His name is Faizal, and he's...13 years old! (doesnt seem 13 right). He was asking me bout my name , age (he said I looked 18! bangga hahaha), hobbies...and asked what I was studying / wanna be. Henceforth the talk became serious when he found out I was studying to be a doctor. "Eh, saya pun!" (me too!) then he talked about his desire to learn mandarin, asking if english was important in uni, what my pmr/spm grades were... !!!
hahaha. This picture is classic. with the jumping pika-aLex This was actually a reenact-ion of the games we played, namely charades. Then there was the bomb game where everyone chose a name of a food...strawberries (ROCK! :] ), coconut, banana's, marshmallows, papaya and rambutan. Hahaha.
Bundle of energy they are :)
In the activity centre.The "Kids". A bunch of vibrant, bubbly teenagers whom challenged me to see beyond the word "charity"
Those who were equally amazed by the kid's level of energy as I was. I believe it was an amazing experience for all of us.
It was definitely not easy to keep a 15 kids + 24 seniors situation under control + make sure none is left out. but I'm proud that Co13ra's managed to do it. Nothing is impossible when a team works together, right! :)
On the bus
And I forgot to mention, on the way back in the bus...everyone started karaoke-ing! Mostly mandarin songs from AGES ago...It was SUPER super fun. Next time print out the lyrics and distribute (coz sometimes we know the song not the lyrics) Co13ra's, you guys know what to plan next! go Karaoke-ing together people! :)I heart this group photo - its so bright + cheerful + energetic! Co13ra's may not have gotten 1st in the orientation. We may not have gotten a hamper. But we have gained much, much more than that. We've gained friends who will walk each other through the rest of medical school , and I believe even way after that... We've shared our joy, sweat, embarrassment, tears, birthdays etc... We've got each other as a family, someone you know will always share your tears and joy and burdens. And one another to cheer you up when you're down; humour you when you're gloomy; cheer you on when you feel like giving in; and just be there for each other when one just needs company. More than the numbers ,I believe that we are bonded together in the heart :) And if you ask me thats what matters the most. Friendship. Family. Love.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Run 2 - Say no to Tasers :/
Run 2 - Say no to Tasers :/
Co13ra's u guys ffk me! lol... left me to run 4 k...again. :O
Today's run was definitely more challenging than the last. Both physically but more mentally. Was running with 101 thoughts running through my head. Control breathing, land on toes first(still gotta work on it) , are we there yet (at the end)...etc
There are some things I will never be able to properly express or let people know. Especially the things deep deep down in my heart. Involving many issues that I can never keep a straight and composed face with when I speak of it. Some stuff that only few know.
But I shall stop there. I promise myself that I shall try harder next time. Today was not too bad, although admittedly I could still have pushed myself a little more and not stop every few steps. But it would definitely help if my abdomen gave me less pain :/
My mind is thinking back of the run in the face of the sun (There goes my goal of staying out of the sun :/), the times I reach a bend (or slopes!!), doing all the warm up exercises (which actually hurt ok!!!) with one funny one named "Superman" (and getting teased by JJ!!!) and more...but funnily,I gotta say like I said to Sandip today - that I actually enjoy running. Its...funny actually.
On another note, it seems like I got a goal / target - to finish 10k nonstop by end of sem 5/before the pms batch leaves Malaysia. Shall see whether its actually still remains to be seen.
And...I'm actually considering opening a "runs" label. Since its my second post. And I actually forsee more to come. haha. So welcome to the "Runs" post :)
And as for the slightly sore leg muscles and the sweat and the tough exercises...I would do it all over again. Chui Ling (I know you're not reading this) you're supposed to join me next Tuesday right!
Friday, March 12, 2010
March Blues
March Blues
Feeling super duper tired after 1 week of MSK (Muscoskeletal system). still got not much time left to EOS 5. Would be lying if I said I'm not stressed, especially after the semester 5 briefing today on the "grand finale".
Really got tons to do...from the wayyy overdue gp posting report to reading notes and doing comm med portfolio... God, not by my strength but by Yours
Anyway, here are some pictures of my current life / thoughts.
Been doing MMS (medical museum session nearly everyday after class. Actually really glad and thankful of the company of friends that I'm studying with - I actually am learning something (instead of just sesating)...although much revision still needs to be done :/
HAPPY BLESSED BIRTHDAY SARAH!!! You've been an amazing sister in my life, one I really treasure and thank God for. Thank you for being someone who stayed through the years, for being an immense blessing in my life! I miss you already ...
Went to Pyramid for a stress-free afternoon. Just the 3 of us . It was soooo stress free. From sushi to prom dress shopping to ice cream treats! I heart you both
Then we tried on shades! This was the mafia picture. Look at the ganstar and her peeps! DON'T mess with her...
Beach side party. Cant you already feel the wind gently breezing at the background...
The end of a happy afternoon. We needed 5 times to get a photo of all 3 of us in! Camwhoring skills fail...
I have no regret's OO-ing this semester, though its the last of bukit jalil. Group 13 rocks big time , I couldn't have asked for a better group. :D We have seriously all types of people. And what's amazing is that everyone gels together - the unity is astounding! :) Proud to be part of CO13RA's!
Dress Code presentation. Of course, the lamest stuff can come out during this time...
You know, out of the 5 semesters at IMU, I never joined treasure hunt before. Hence, I joined CO13RA's for theirs. Super tiring. But fun to watch (coz I am senior not junior, so participation of juniors are the priority :] )
Kyan. Haha grown to know him a lil more. This guy is super serious in both studies, running but plays hard when he's at it. Salute.
Variety Night. We got Sinbati(female version of Sinbad), King Arthur Hokkien version, Dim Sum Crew, and more...
Once a CO13RA, always sting. (Jit Tong, March 2010). Forgive the incorrect citing format. I will always treasure and miss you guys. Even when I'm gone and you don't remember me anymore. Thank you for making this part of the journey a beautifully amazing one. You guys have made my life more beautiful by being part of it. :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Run
The Run
Miley Cyrus has the climb. I never climbed in my life before...but today I went on a run.
Just in case you were wondering , no, Joanne (practically) never ran...until today. I tell you, I caused many MANY MANY raised eyebrows today. Even when someone heard I'm going running ,they're like... ... "JOANNE????" Hahaha. I can name the people. SC, JJ, NN, and more!
There are many many reasons why I don't run. Not many know why. But lets just safely say I had no stamina/ willpower. I'm serious - I cant even see the end. And when I see the end, it seems so far away - as if its not worth it to run all the way there. And many times today I felt like the same.
So to get a friend's signature for my orientation group last week, (I sorta regret pitying them and "taking the fall" myself haha) I agreed to run 2km. Which is crazy. Considering so many have tried, and failed to make me run. (jog even). But I'm someone who keeps her word as much as she can. If she promises...then yes she WILL run despite her saying she will never.
Firstly, she searched out her sit-on-the-rack comfortably-never-wear-shoes.
And then it had to begin right?.. funnily at 4.40pm, it started drizzling. Some told me that "God saved you". but I felt differently. It would only mean postponing the run, and I already brought my stuff! I prayed that the rain would stop, that it wouldn't be too hot. ><
We started out from IMU. thanks to the few who supported me along - Ming Yao, Yeeling and Sze Jun. Thanks for physically being there to run with me! and not ditching me along the way! And you too Sze Jun in slippers! haha. And of course, not forgetting my friend Sandip (whose signature our group was after) , Kyan and even Jae Ric. You guys were pushing me till the very end. I would have walked all the way if not for all of yr support.
And yes...the run was as grueling as I thought it would be. I cant even count the many times I felt like just stopping but was pushed and pushed; the way it seemed like the run will never end; the feeling that stopping this crazy run would be better than going all the way; the running on the road which is like one of my biggest phobia's since the year before, the serious excruciating pain in my lower left abdomen not 500 m into the run(which is why i always stop and never finish the race) that funnily went away after maybe 1k or so...and more. It was a huge challenge for me.
But anyway, at the end, Sandip told me (actually not t0 my horror...I had a feeling that he would do that, din't really think it came true) that we had done twice the distance - 4km. 3.8km to be exact, but seriously, twice the distance. (I think I was , and still am wee bit tired to be mad at him for lying bout the distance. haha) I think I'm gonna get muscle cramps tomorrow onwards =.= I was practically swaying after finishing the run, so unstable I was..
To be entirely honest, I'm not entirely proud of myself. I gave up more than half the time. As in I rather walk not run. ( But they pushed me la...If not I would never have finished it). And the slopes uphill! Omg!!! But I genuinely felt like I couldn't do it already. And on my own , I really would give up. (its true!!) And...if not for the whole process of "I feel like dying la...cant run d, can I stop please?? (while running)"... I would run all over again :) Just...make it Tuesday can anot? :) *I know I'm crazy...I'll start moaning again when I start running*
On another note, (I'm writing this coz I can never verbalize it in words) the main reason I din't practice today is coz I was shy( I can't believe I'm using this word, but its true. Even among my friends, I always make them do it while I watch.) So...yeah. thats the biggest reason why. And now you know ><
and...I got pbl to do tonight :O
Sunday, March 7, 2010
because you came along
because you came along
I din't intend to oo for my last semester. You know la , sem5. I also didn't intend to put my heart into it, knowing that farewell is inevitable.
But then CO13RA's was the group. And I couldn't have been prouder of them . Its not the results that matter anyway. Its the process. Of learning. Of learning to trust one another, of bonding with each other, and much much more. As much as the "fun" , and more - was the spirit of enthusiasm, the unity. The group that came with so many colours , so many personalities. And all that managed to mingle and call each other family :)
I doubt any Co13ra members would be reading this. But if you do , I really want you guys to know I'm really really honoured to be part of you guys these few weeks. Proud of all of you, for surviving and performing brilliantly these 2 weeks. For learning to live with each other, to open up and trust each other. Much much more than I can never express in words. I believe you guys will always always stay together in spirit (coz not physically lol) and be there for each other no matter what.
Each of you are different. Each of you are unique, special. You all bring something to the table, and you share your talents , complement each other. Nothing is small. Take props, for example. The yellow car for dress code ii was amazing. You guys really work together - and that will take you far. Coz no one can survive alone in medical school...(by medical I'm including dental together. and chiropractic as well).
And because you (all) came along, you were all so freaking awesome I decided that I would spend as much time as I could with you guys. :) I'm sorry for not being there much of the time too,events and all. I really enjoyed watching you guys adapt to the new surroundings, and appreciate knowing each of you beyond surface level. Everyone has a story to tell...I have yet to uncover many of you guys' :)
Kuding and Fida. Kuding, you're seriously talented in music. I wish I knew the violin! :) Fida... you DON'T look like Ruby! haha
Some of the CO13RA members. from left : Yong Ming, Xing Yi, me, Shiro and Selva. Front: Siew See. This is after lunch at sri petaling. You guys seriously rock ,you know that? :)
The gang of guys with Selva posing at the back, Jit Tong making his funny face, Kuding being hyped (as usual) ,and with Sze Jun in front, arms crossed, and Jenan, the supposedly big boss who succeeded at being an awesome spy :P
variety night. Most of the performances were seriously BORING that night. Pam could even study! hahaha :)
F.A.M.I.L.Y.(Not complete I know , but some of them). Taken after finale night :) Once a co13ra, always a co13ra. To the group with as many OO's(or is it more? :-O ) as there are juniors - Rock on, peeps :) You guys have left me many memories to be treasured :)
And because I did not take many photos (well Martin and other oo's and all took many but din't post them up yet), I shall end it with less than 10 photos this time. random photos that makes me smile :)
ps: you see me sitting at the back? kinda big the phobia d. either i get crushed, or my feet gets stepped on. oww :( hence i prefer 1-1 hug :)
I had a really fun time these 2 weeks with all of you. :) I still cant dance( cant club- just cant move my body), still feel old-er (since most of you are either born in year 1990 or 1991, and feel pretty useless coz most of the time I did nothing with / for you guys. But I really thank God for you guys. I wouldn't have traded you guys for another group of people. :) To cheeyip and the other oo's - you guys did a fantastic job - I'm proud of all you guys too...respect! for being able to juggle studies + other stuffs + orientation! :)
Monday, March 1, 2010
bummed and goodbyes
I seriously felt really really bummed today. It was just a miss - missing my juniors Co13ra's performance and the ball table arrangement thingy.
I have decided to go for ball. and by some funny co-incidence, I decided I din't need to talk to jade coz I thought we were seated at the back already. If only I had approached Jade earlier. Then I would have saved myself a little bit of heartache of being placed near the pharmacy opposite our batch. that was an ok location I guess. just mad that I wasn't proactive enough.
Then there was dress code ii by my orientation group. Geeks vs freaks. the thing is , a few of us were coming back from MidValley, and the event was supposed to start at 7pm. traditionally, the event never starts early. so we reached back with a few minutes to spare...rushed up to think we had made it....only to find out minutes later that the grand start (our group was the first for the day) had been made.
I was totally bummed. It was really hard for me to stay back for orientation stuffs this time, owing to the fact that I'm semester 5 and that my parents weren't entirely happy (like naturally) ...and the time I actually join them for an event, I just missed it!!The sore spot really egged at my heart and I was really really bummed. Like really really.
But these are little things. And they pass. Today I can cry - and smile in the same day. Because I have much to be grateful for. I have friends I love to bits and would give my life for. I have memories that I will cherish for always. Sometimes people say that 'why get to know people if you know you're only gonna say goodbye? ' I thought bout it so many times before...but I say why not? even if you're gonna know that person for a year or 2. maybe months. maybe days . even if you face the word heart wrenching word of goodbye everyday.
the most sucky part bout a journey is parting. maybe temporary, maybe permanent. but in that precious time, u could gain a friend; you could get to leave a mark / footprint/ legacy in this person's life. You get to love this precious live , and be loved in return. For me at least - that's what I feel.
And if I had a choice between knowing someone a few months and being able to make a difference in the person's life - but face the sucky prospects of partings and teary goodbye's later - or to not go ahead and just stay surface and shallow / dont really get to know the person - I would choose the former. Hurts maybe, but at least I know I've done all I could to make the person's life hopefully a brighter one. To know someone loves and cares for him/ her. To look back one day and say hey, I hope I made this person smile. And that the person might feel like some someone genuinely cared and loved for him/her , no strings attached. At least for a least.
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