Monday, March 10, 2008

To my orientation mates

hey Group 3 aka Sampah,

To me, you guys rock big time. O.O's included, Izzat, K-Man, Zhi Yen... And my leaders , Dhina, Alex...and everyone else... Sook Cheng, Jac Ric, Pei San, Husna, Akmal, Boon, David, King, Jeremy, Ashmin, Natashini, (I know I missed out a name, I 'm sorry I cant think of it at the moment), you guys have the enthusiasm and passion that really puts me to shame...

I'm sorry that you guys had to accommodate me, esp all the "early curfews" and stuffs... thanks for understanding. i'm sorry if i blabbered a lot or talked a lot of nonsense, my sincere apologies if i made any of you irritated or offended. and thanks so much for just understanding. it means a lot to me.

rock on people...we still got 1 week to go! (although i doubt that any of you are actually looking at this post even) we are the SAMPAH team, and we will tah-pao the rest of the teams!

Sampah, sampah, sampah sampah sampah... (Group cheer)

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