Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jigsaw Jumbled


I shall hereby grant you the joy...and pain...of reading the following message. warning: not for the fainthearted. (that was random)

Even as I write this, my uncle is downstairs sweeping my porch. I'm not sure what more to say. I don't not do housework...its jut that I find my time is limited. 5 weeks to summatives, 7 to EOS. Practically all sem 1 and 2 stuff to cover in such a short amount of time.

I don't mean to complain. Its just that at times, I feel like I'm really really sagging under the weight...I woudn't want to waste RM6ok. That would have been enough to hire 5 maids at least for the year. I'm worried. About my studies. And yet, I still try to chip in a lil here and there around the house.

Stumbling back home after my friend kindly dropped me off, each step was so painful to take. The uneven road added to the misery of a teenager, carrying a huge back and loads of notes and book. The sun shone so brightly on a day when the chosen clothing for the day was black. How wonderful.

To bless and be blessed. I believe many of us think we wanna/could do more. Maybe, if the world had more than 24 hours a day. And yet, and yet, nothing we can do to change thatfact. And time management is still the essence.

Sometimes I wonder if life can be much less complicated than this. It would make many happy. Simple joys suffice rather than elaborate, unsatisfactory lavish lifestyles/gifts/etc. But still, evolving along with the world is necessary. Woudn't want to get left wayyy too far behind, no?
And again reminded that we makes plans, but many times, do not have the final say. Reminded that as the heavens are higher than the earth, so is His thoughts higher than mine, or all of ours could ever be.

I'm glad I know the One who holds my future amidst these, and more uncertainties. Relieved that no matter how far I run, I can never be too far to turn back. No matter how much I give, I can never outgive the creator, the One who holds it all.

And as the curtains slowly draw towards the centre, and the music dies off, the sole actor stands on the stage, facing his audience. And the audience consists of but one, One who is smiling, clapping his hands and having the proud dad look in his eyes. To realise that all the hard work, all the sweat and tears, all was worth it for that one person who sat through the play and never left.


The Brown Woman said...

Very well put =) *hugs* We'll get through this. . .somehow

Anonymous said...

thanks Ash. Really felt so so bad :s
