Bbq at Tej's was a night of food, fun, games and photos. Hehe. Took some photos, din manage to take some (they had to leave early, and the photo-taking-frenzy was not till much later). And the camera phone kept saying memory full. Lol I want a bigger memory space lah! 64k is...nothing...
Photo quality not tip top as the lighting was not excellent, and camera phone's are not optimum then. Still... hehe I shall just let the pictures do the talking. :)
First up, Ms Joyce Posh aka sister :) A beautiful Sarawakian so natural on photos and with a big heart :)
Ms Singaporean aka "Box u!" ( thats apparently her tagline). photoshy but looks absolutely beautiful on each picture.
Yi Wen. Take 1.
Take 2.
Take 3. The nicest one :) Yi Wen - an amazing girl with quiet courage and strength that manifests itself in many ways. A leader of all. Isow etc. A beautiful sister . :)
The freaking MU fan. (just look at his shirt la). The gracious host of the night :) Thanks dei. Someone who is crazy over football. hidup bola, makan bola, tidur bola. XD
Eldwin daddy :) Take 1. Lighting not so good. Haha, or otherwise. Up to individual preferences
Take 2. Ok la, I gotta admit this one looks more natural "I can be natural on photos too!" hehe
A sports freak (gym, badminton, bowling! etc) and can't act for nuts XD
Rakib the Mr Donut. Another gym freak. "What the..." is his lifeline (tagline). Just got to know Big Apple donuts tonight. Hehe
Sooky! :) Don't need to say, she is pretty, beautiful inside and out. Seriously non-contendable. :) A friend and a sister who loves and gives beyond measure. :)
Derrick Chieng Guan Yin. Special name rite? Sarawakian, another "What the..." "chill ahh...." guy. Partnering with him for badminton is fun(coz he is good and can cover the court for the other person) XD
Jeff. Hilarious. Rumoured to have a scandal with J****. LOL. Someone whom is talented (but hasn't shown it yet). Can dance all night long AND his facial expressions are...priceless. Haha
Lee Wun. Songbird of group 11. (batch rep for choir, say what? ).
Yep, thats the 3 generations. (save for my immediate parents. lol) Yi Wen (my greatgrandmother), sorry yr pic is abit blur...think u moved. And my tatha and amachi. They rawk man! Haha and really complement each other as husband and wife. Even the colour is complementary! Cant find a more harmonious yet so close couple! lol. love them all! :D
Charlie's angels. Haha the 2 on the left have REALLY good expressions right :D
Oh, a mention about games. Uno, Heart Attack, chor dai dee...
Chor dai dee in action
View from vista 12th floor. Quite nice, if you can disregard the greenery and beautiful scenery that was originally there once upon a time.
View at night. Highway beside IMU.
The bbq set. Still can see the redness of the charcoal. Chicken wings, sausages... :)
Joyce + Jeff (scandal scandal !!!) , and Rakib. no more Mr donut?
See the sesat figure on the utmost left! hahaha (note to self: dun come in the middle and be the lightbulb...)
This is what you do when your brain becomes fried in med school. :O
Group photo 1. SEXIEST!!!!!!!
F.A.M.I.L.Y. (Those in and not in the photo). I'm really blessed to have each of you guys colour my life. Love you guys :)
And I'll be by your side whenever you fall, in the dead of night whenever you call
1 comment:
haiyo, i m nt going to say anything coz in my heart i knw myself i m innocent. >< blerk :P
Sis, do u upload to fb? Our family photo seems so harmonious, i like it ^^ Sexiest rocks!!
Jolene & Y Wen are really photogenic rite? Let's convince them to take more pic next time. ^^
Eldy looks like one of my cousin in the photos above. His central incisors are clearly seen. Poor him, 'abandoned', in one of da photos. XD
Sooky n Tej are so sweet. THeir shirt colour tones match well too.
Last night gathering is awesome. ^^ I'd say i like every single parts of it except i din get to take photos with every and each of da seXIest. Thx & Good Job to Tej in organizing the gathering. ^^
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