Friday, September 4, 2009

The week has passed by pretty fast. Orientation mostly, and some random stuffs.

Sometimes one wonders where one's standing is in her little world, in her world of contacts, the people she passes each day. What difference she makes in their lives, or its better if she din exist.

The things she does. Making a fool of herself all the time. Trying to go all the way, while wondering if she's too naggy. It's sometimes quite frustrating to be in the people line, because they can elicit many types of response, some of them less enthralling. Its frustrating when one gets ignored for a mistake not of her own. Even if it is her own...Giving the cold shoulder is not the right way, no? But perhaps I have been doing that too? Walking past many people sometimes not even saying hi... Whats the point of pointless hi byes?

And the basic struggles everyone goes through. Conflict. When what one wants, is not the same as the ones overseeing one's life. I feel , for one that all of us are different

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